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Pillow Talk – Monday – Gay Women – Wednesday – Faking It – Friday.


1- First, where did you get the idea for The Gay Women Channel?

We did a parody video of College Humor’s video Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends called Gay Women Will Marry Your Boyfriends that went viral and the channel started getting subscribers. Sarah and I are both writers and filmmakers, and thought that this would be the perfect platform and opportunity to create content with this audience that we literally got overnight. And thus, The Gay Women Channel was born.

2- Do you have a background in comedy?

We have been making films together since high school that ranged from comedy to drama. So we don’t have a background in comedy per se, but we like to consider ourselves funny people, and I primarily write comedy and has been for a while.

3- How would you characterize the lesbian community in Toronto?

Oh jeez that’s a tough one, and I don’t know if there is a way to characterize the Toronto lesbian scene because we are all pretty diverse! The neighbourhood that we are in is a very hip, artistic neighbourhood, so we are surrounded by a lot of queer actors and artists, and most of our friends fit in that category as well.

4- To have a Premiere that is – OUT, is unique! Do you think it makes a difference in the community

When Kathleen Wynne was elected as our Premiere it was definitely exciting! I think seeing a lesbian or any LGBT person in a powerful position really helps show the LGBT youth that we are becoming more and more accepted, and that our sexuality doesn’t hinder our career goals in life.

5- What are your everyday inspirations?

Well we obviously love comedy, and we love funny women. Watching other YouTubers and YouTube videos is a source of everyday inspiration for Sarah. Also people watching. There are a lot of characters and videos on the channel that were inspired by everyday experiences.

My main inspirations are Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Sarah Silverman and Amy Schumer.

6- What can we expect from you in the future?

Besides for our usual videos like Pillow Talk, Faking It Friday and our Wednesday sketches, we’re planning to release a 2nd season of our web series, Til Lease Do Us Part by sometime next year. And we also have a special project that we are currently working on, but it’s like totally top secret and like not even my mom knows. Lets just call it, Project Gay.

7- If you had the chance to produce a video with any lesbian on the planet, who would it be?

Actor, Kristen Stewart OBVIOUSLY.


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