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A crazy journey led Marianne Gauthier, field producer, to unforgettable travels and encounters. From Box Office, hosted by Anne-Marie Losique, to working on Occupation Double and now being a part of En direct de l’Univers’s team, Marianne is a reference when it comes to music and traveling. With an ever changing career filled with unpredictability, she paused for a while to talk to us about her relation with fashion.

/ How would you describe your personal style?

Pretty laid back I would say; simple and sober, I don’t like to complicate things. What I like the most is playing with both the feminine and masculine side of myself, creating a balance between the two. I recently re-discovered fluorescent colours and I enjoy adding them with accessories, like this beanie that I just bought. I also think it’s important to have some basic elements in a wardrobe even though it sometimes implies buying expensive items. I think it’s worth it since it insures quality and durability.

/ Do you feel like you have found your style or are you opened to evolution/change?

I thing reaching the age of 30 made me realize that I had an image of myself that did not quite match reality. Now being 33, I feel like I know myself better and it comes with knowing what fits me better and what I should avoid. I believe I follow trends without ever forgetting what I want and love. I feel like I’m on the right path and evolution is bound to happen and it’s important.

/ What accessory can you not go without?

Rings. I wear them according to my emotional state (laughs). For example, I wear my mother’s ring when I want to feel strong. It’s not the prettiest; but when I wear it, it gives me the strength that I need to go through the day. It is extremely meaningful.

/ Any style inspiration in your entourage?

My BFF, Claudine Prévost. I thinks she dresses on point. She is lucky enough to receive free clothes and she always knows how to harmonize them. I would love to be able to recreate her boyish side.

/ Do you feel like your career influences your style?

What I like the most about my job is that everyone can really be themselves and therefor wear whatever they want. There is a more serious side to it that implicates meeting and representing people; but it’s always in unusual contexts like venues or bars. I feel lucky to work in an open minded environment.

/ An inspiring fashion destination?

Iceland!! I have never been, but it’s one of my dreams. That country represents, like every Northern European countries, clean lines mixed with a natural side. In Iceland, everything emerged from fire (geysers, volcanos)…in a cold atmosphere. That contradiction fascinates me.

This article marks the first in a series of interviews presenting a few of the faces that are a part of our communities and their relation to fashion. Our leitmotif for this series is: diversity, girl power and of course style.

By Justine Paquette
Translation by Léonie LeBoeuf

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